Monday, January 18, 2010

My Voki


  1. This is cool Airin. I saw this on a teacher's blog once and thought about seeking out getting one, but never did. Can you post how to get this widget for one's blog? As a blog visitor to that teacher's site, I was impressed how 'real' it made her seem following my cursor around, talking to me - a real teacher teaching math somewhere.


  2. Go to and sign up for an account

    Click the Create button

    Customization Change the look (hair, lips, face -down to tweaking each detail), clothing and accessories.

    Click the green Done tab

    Select one of the four ways to give your voki a voice by clicking on the phone icon, the key icon, the microphone icon or the folder icon.

    If you select the phone, it will ask for a phone number to call you at. When you answer it will give you a prompt and tell you when you can begin recording.

    If you select the key icon a text box will appear and you can type what you want your voki to say. Under that there is a drop down menu of voices, listen to your prompt using the different voices and select the one you like the best.

    If you choose the microphone a box will appear that allows you to start and stop up to 60 seconds of your voice. When you are done, select the green tab.

    Lastly, you can choose an audio file to upload.

    Once you select the green done tab it will close the voice tool. You can now select the publish button.

    Give your voki a title.

    If you want to embed your voki to your site, choose the size of your voki then copy the embed code at the bottom.

    If you want to email your voki, choose the Send to a Friend tab.

    You can send your voki to your phone to be your personalized speaking ringtone by clicking on the Send to Mobile icon.

    If you need more help please let me know. My email is

  3. Thank you for the detailed instructions Airin. However, I'm stuck on the first step. I can't seem to go to It sends me to a third party advertising page. Any ideas?
