Thursday, January 14, 2010

Brain Rules

This site has some great information on how we function and details on how to work best for children and adults. It is for anyone. Check it out at

Exercise EXERCISE | Rule #1: Exercise boosts brain power.
Evolution SURVIVAL | Rule #2: The human brain evolved, too.
wiring WIRING | Rule #3: Every brain is wired differently.
attention ATTENTION | Rule #4: We don't pay attention to boring things.
shortterm SHORT-TERM MEMORY | Rule #5: Repeat to remember.
longterm LONG-TERM MEMORY | Rule #6: Remember to repeat.
sleep SLEEP | Rule #7: Sleep well, think well.
stress STRESS | Rule #8: Stressed brains don't learn the same way.
multisensory SENSORY INTEGRATION | Rule #9: Stimulate more of the senses.
vision VISION | Rule #10: Vision trumps all other senses.
gender GENDER | Rule #11: Male and female brains are different.
exploration EXPLORATION | Rule #12: We are powerful and natural explorers.


  1. Some fun info. here. I was going to spend more time on the computer but I think I need to go for a walk and get some exrcise. Too much time on the computer/TV = bad for the brain !!

  2. Whew. Spent the morning surfing those waters. Even with your warning, I still swam right past the shallow end.

  3. Wow! between all of these connections (love this brain link stuff!) and the web 2.0 link I could lose several hours of each day (and/or gain lots of information, whichever way you look at it.) Parenthood, household and work responsabilities (as well as sleep deprivation) are pulling me away.

  4. Take care of yourselves. I am going to go work out and take my daughter to the pool. TTFN :) boing... boing.... boing
